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Bits-n-Bites: EFT Weight Loss Newsletter for People Who Chew

Another issue of One More Bite's wise, witty information and tips about weight loss from around the globe

Issue 41 - September 2007

+ Announcing: Accelerated Weight Loss Retreat 2007
+ Wheat Allergies & Losing Weight
+ New Exercise Gadgets: Lose Weight in 4-Mins Per Day
+ Latest Bogus News About Obesity & Weight Loss
+ Breaking Up, With Your Scale
+ New Toys
+ Diet Soft Drinks: Do They Cause Weight Gain?
+ Article: Taming the Runaway Appetite
+ Fun Food Facts: Ice Cream
EFT & NLP weight loss newsletter features:
•EFT Weight Loss
•Fun Food Finds
•Tips & Tricks
•Extras for Bits-n-Bites Readers


ISSN No. 1545-1860

BITS-O-WISDOM: "This recipe is certainly silly. It says to separate two eggs, but it doesn't say how far to separate them" --Gracie Allen

Accelerated EFT Weight Loss

Come to Hidden Lake Retreat and get motivated to lose the weight now!

I've always felt Fall is the best time of year to embark on a fitness/health program, simply because you have about nine months to make significant changes without the prying eyes of summer.

The 3-Day weekend in Eagle Creek will be the best experience you'll ever have. We're going to have fun, find new friends and best of all get clear on how to lose the weight and manage it once it's lost.

Get info on the first EFT for Weight Loss 3-Day Retreat

This hands-on retreat will take you to a new level with limited participants so we can focus on your individual issues. Everyone will have one private session (or two short sessions depending on timing) during the weekend with Kathryn, the EFT Level I workshop, all eight weeks of the Ending Emotional Eating workshop will be covered and demonstrated, cravings reduction, fear of diet failure and that bugaboo, what happens after I've lost the weight?

The 3-day weekend is just the beginning. As soon as you get home you'll be starting the 8-week Ending Emotional Eating workshop, and you'll know what you're doing and why you're doing it. You'll get results like never before because you'll know how to use the tools.

We will meet thereafter once a month for six months (or choose an entire year of follow-up and support). You'll also have my private phone number to call when you need help, or e-mail at any time. Follow-up and a weekly check-in is critical. Studies prove that having a support system makes all the difference in weight .loss.

If you are truly motivated to lose the weight and keep it off, and if you are willing to commit to a six month or one-year program, then now is the time.

You want weight to come off fast, yes, but you also want to learn to make it permanent. The 8-Week Online Workshop, Ending Emotional Eating is designed to cover everything that might come up during your journey but many want the added dimension that being in-person can give.

P.S. If you've previously done the 8-week Ending Emotional Eating course, you'll get a full $99 discount!

Weight Allergies & Losing Weight

Q. I believe that I might have a slight wheat allergy.

A. Many people are sensitive to wheat. A true wheat allergy is called Celiac disease. If you think you are sensitive to wheat, a short-term elimination diet can help when you eliminate all wheat for a week (or more), then slowly add back one item at a time and watch whether any symptoms return.

Wheat also hides in many processed foods including soy sauce, even ice cream. Bummer.

Here are sources of wheat free products you may want to try.

Being sensitive to any food is not fun, but if you are diligent in tracking down the culprit, you can greatly improve your health and well-being in the process.

New Exercise Gadgets

Lose Weight Only 4 Minutes Per Day with The 4-Minute Cross Trainer

This is the exercise machine to end all exercise machines. The ROM Quick Gym (ROM is for Range of Motion) is reported to work all major muscle groups over 80 percent range of motion (thus a greater workout in less time). Also the most costly exercise machine. This is on my list.

Pilates, MVe Fusion Fitness Chair

I love pilates but wish I could practice at home with equipment. The Reformer is a wee bit expensive, so the Fusion Fitness Chair may be a good alternative.

I want to make a cross-country trip to try all these out, especially the Rom Quick Gym.

Watch for more unique exercise equipment next month...

Latest Bogus News About Obesity & Weight Loss

Recent articles about being able to "catch" obesity as if it's a contagious disease do nothing but promote size prejudice. Betsy Hart wins the prize stating that binge-eaters' gluttony can cause "secondhand obesity," and goes on to suggest that asking her overweight friends not to eat around her will somehow shelter her from this blight. Ridiculous, simple minded and foolish.

The study in the New England Journal of Medicine states, "obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus." They conclude that not having fat friends may help one stay thin.

Fact is, many tend to eat and drink amongst others. You are not protected from the folks at the next booth. You can't "catch" obesity any more than you could catch alcoholism, even if you are surrounded by over indulgers, and I didn't have to do a study to figure that out.

Breaking Up With Your Scale

Where Does all that Food Go?

If you eat a big meal and the next day your weight suddenly shoots up, don't bother getting too excited. If you eat a 12 ounce steak, 4 ounce (or larger) baked potato, 1/2 cup (about 4 ounces vegetables), (don't forget the butter and sour cream), then you drink a 16 ounce or larger drink, toss in a piece of bread (4 ounces), and maybe some dessert (6 ounces), you've just added three or more pounds of weight to your body. Voila!

Do the math: 12 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 4 + 6 = 2 pounds 14 ounces or nearly 3 full pounds of food weight.

The weight of the food you eat doesn't magically disappear when you swallow, so if you eat 3 pounds of food, 3 lbs are now going to show up if you stepped on the scale right after eating.

Overeat consistently, you'll gain weight. Start to eat a bit less consistently, and you'll start to lose some weight. Stop worrying about the scale--it's just a tool, not a God.

Weighing yourself is fine, but if you let the scale upset you, then break up with it for awhile. Put it out of sight. Keep a journal instead. Some people worship the darn thing, letting it dictate the kind of day they'll have or whether they can or cannot eat, "Oh, my, I can't eat that! The scale said I gained 5 pounds."

Conversely, sometimes you'll see a lower number and think, "Yahoo, now I can splurge," ruining the consistency of eating well that will get you the real results. Remember a splurge now-and-then is fine, but what you do regularly counts for how you look and feel.

The scale shouldn't have that kind of power - it's just a tool, nothing more. Pay attention to how you look and how you feel, and watch your clothes get looser, your rings fall off your fingers, and your shoes start to flop. That's the results talking.

New Toys (Think Play = Exercise)

Summer isn't the only time to get outside and play. The Open Air Soom-o is a soft, easy-grip ring you toss and catch. says it flies far and straight, and is extremely easy to catch. That would be nice since I was always afraid I'd hurt my baby fingers when I tried to catch the hard plastic Frisbees. (Personal Tidbit: my first job was in a factory that silk screened logos and product info on frisbees and other plastic containers. It was during the Nixon years and one Frisbee said, "Give Dick a Toss.")

Not big on water skiing but still want to be drug behind a boat? Try the Wego Sumo Tube. This V-shaped gadget is designed for you to slide inside (narrow side forward) then grab the tow rope and go speeding along with everything but your head protected in a nice fun cone. This could be fun. Try for lots of new toys too.

+++ Get The Daily Bites: Your Jump Start To Lose More Weight +++ The free Daily Bites are mini-lessons in how I use EFT to maintain my 80 pound weight loss. Sent once or twice weekly.

Do Diet Soft Drinks Cause Weight Gain?

A new study says whether you drink diet or regular soft drinks, regular consumption will lead to weight gain. This 4-year study of 6,000 participants found the increased risk of "getting fat and becoming unhealthy" was the same whether they drank regular or diet.

A possible theory is soft drinks (even diet) cause a person's palate to crave sweets and junk food, hence leading to increased consumption. Another theory is people drinking soft drinks already are eating less healthy foods regularly.

Tip: Switch to herbal teas. The flavors can switch your taste buds from craving a sugary treat to wanting something more healthful. Wean yourself down, if necessary. Cold turkey isn't always the best approach.

How Long to Reduce Trans fats?

Burger King needs until 2008 to stop using trans fats. It's no surprise that it's taking a long time for companies to make the switch. The reason trans fats were so widely used is they increased shelf life and gave an improved mouth feel.

Now that companies are trying alternative oils they're finding the food just doesn't taste the same (tried Oreo's?) and they worry longtime fans aren't going to stay with the brand.

Solution? Break the fast food habit and lose some weight. The calories in a typical fast food meal are so hideously high, it's no wonder we battle the bulge. Count how many meals a week you eat at fast food places, then cut that number in half. Try it for one week. If you survive, try it for another week. Keep trying, one day at a time, until it becomes your comfortable new norm.

+++ Learn Advanced EFT +++

Cookin Keeps Getting Easier

Ziploc's Zip'n Steam bags are basically ordinary Ziploc bags with instructions printed to help you quickly steam vegetables and other foods in the microwave. It doesn't get any easier unless someone cuts your food and spoon feeds you. Better than those ready-to-microwave bags at the grocery. Just toss fresh vegis into the bag, add spices and you're done.

You can add a smidgen of butter or oil, but it's not necessary. Vegis taste delicious plain, but again if you're used to zucchini tempura (anything deep fried and battered is ridiculously high in calories and negates the value of the vegetable), plain zucchini may seem rather bland. Add spices, not calories.

Switch to eating something deep fried as a special treat or few times a year thing, and you'll lose pounds doing that alone.

Concerned about micro waving plastic? Ziploc says their plastic does not leach into food. They have recipes too.

Article: Taming the Runaway Appetite

Does Reducing Your Appetite Help You Lose Weight?

Do you stop eating when you're full? How about satisfied? Do you know the difference between "full" and "satisfied"? Do you feel like you're always hungry? Read the full article: Taming the Runaway Appetite and read my Top 7 Appetite Reducing Tricks

Options for Sugar free Rice Krispy Treats

"Hi, I read your blog on the Sugar-Free Rice Krispy Treat, and I wanted to tell you I've also been searching for that elusive treasure. I came upon a suitable substitute: use sugar-free peanut butter, about half as much as they ask for in the recipe. -- Aubrey

Thanks, Aubrey. We're always looking for new ideas to enjoy a tasty treat!

+++ Ending Emotional Eating +++
You've done seminars, books, tapes, CDs, bought gadgets, and tried everything under the sun to lose weight, but still nothing works.
Could you be an emotional eater?


If now is the right time to end your struggle losing all the weight you want, get started on the One More Bite's self-paced, 8-week home study program today. (Unlimited email for personal attention or add private sessions).
Stop the cycle once and for all.

Fun Food Facts: Ice Cream

China Invented Ice Cream

Ice cream was invented in China around 2000 B.C. Americans eat more ice cream than any other people in the world and two cities, Seattle and Portland lead in more ice cream purchased (no one knows if it's eaten) per capita. Portland also has more lawyers per capita than any other city. Coincidence? I think not.

US Eats the Most Ice Cream (big surprise)

In 1994, each person in the US ate 16.1 pounds of ice cream. The three favorite flavors are vanilla, chocolate and butter pecan.

Hawaii Goes for Java

Hawaii is the only U.S. state to produce coffee

Yours in good eating,
Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

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Kathryn Martyn M.NLP
Kathryn Martyn Smith, M.NLP EFT Weight Loss Coach
Using NLP & EFT to
End the Struggle With Weight Loss

210 NW 78th Street
Vancouver, Washington 98665
1-360-450-3907 | 1-904-369-1391 Fax
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