Seeing Food Leads to Wanting to
Eat Food
As I was putting together this
month's Bits-n-Bites
Weight Loss Newsletter I realized
that as I write about the horrible
nutritional statistics in some
common foods I also find my mouth
watering for them. Oh, great,
I thought. That's not helpful.
The same thing happens when I
read cookbooks, which I love to
do. Especially the books with
pictures, which makes it even
worse. No wonder I love to bake!
How to Stop
Snack Attacks Caused by TV Commercials
Here's what happens: You're sitting
and minding your own business,
settling in to watch a movie on
TV perhaps, when what should you
see? A big juicy dripping burger,
or a bunch of kids happily slurping
ice cream cones on a hot summer
day. They (the evil advertisers)
know this will cause a hunger
pang because seeing food leads
to eating food, so they show you
image after image. Ever notice
how they also seem to show you
the same commercial over and over
during a one-hour show? They don't
do that to make you insane so
much as to implant the idea that
you want something to eat and
you want it now. And it works.
Step 1 - Realization
& Level of Intensity
Step one is realizing what's
going on. You weren't hungry a
few minutes ago. You may have
just recently finished dinner,
but here you are, feeling that
familiar gurgling in your stomach.
"Wow, I'm hungry." Your
mind does a mental search of the
kitchen cabinets for "what's
to eat?" If you realize there
is something tempting, the pull
to get up and have some is so
strong most people don't give
it a second thought, and simply
head out to get it. Stop! That's
when you can test EFT.
Decide what is your level of
intensity (this is so at the end
you can see whether the EFT was
helpful). The range is from 0
to 10 with 10 being as much intensity
as is possible, and 0 being no
intensity at all. If I really
wanted to go get something to
eat, and I knew there was nothing
going to stop me, I'd probably
say it's a 9 or even a 10, but
if I just have the idea I want
something but I don't know, I
could stop myself, if I wanted,
I just don't know if I want to,
that would be a level 6 or 7.
You decide the level. It's not
critical, and there is no "wrong"
answer, but if you put a number
on it when you begin, it gives
you something at the end to really
check see if this is helpful for
Step 2 - Decide to Test
Give EFT a test as often as you
can, just to see what happens.
It doesn't hurt anything. If you
still want something after, you
can have it, no big deal. But
you might find that sometimes
the idea of eating isn't as strong
any more. You might find yourself
deciding to wait awhile. The next
time the commercial comes on you
then may begin to realize what's
been going on. It's never been
about your constant need to eat
but that you've been simply mesmerized
by the commercials and thrown
into a patterned response. See
food, eat food. EFT helps you
break that pattern. I think of
it as "testing" the
EFT because that stops the thought
that you'll be deprived if you
don't have the snack.
You aren't being deprived when
you stop a mindless, patterned
response. Any time you want to
eat, you can eat. If you were
hungry and you did EFT on your
hunger, it wouldn't cause the
hunger to stop. It may reduce
the immediate sense that you will
completely fall to the floor in
exhaustion if you don't eat immediately
(not many of us are this malnourished),
and it can take the edge off the
immediacy. You can then simply
prepare something nice to eat
and enjoy it, instead of wolfing
it down because you're afraid
your litter mates might want some.
Step 3 - Do a Round of
Think of the issue, this time
it's seeing food on TV leading
to wanting to eat. Tap lightly
on the karate chop point, or the
sore spot while you say the set
up three times: "Even though
I can't help wanting to eat every
time I see a commercial for food,
I deeply and completely accept
myself." You can change the
statement during the three times,
or simply repeat the same one,
"Even though I want something
to eat now that I saw that stupid
commercial, I deeply and completely
accept myself," tapping lightly,
and once more, "Even though
I hate those commercials that
make me want to eat, I deeply
and completely accept myself."
(Remember, you can always change
the wording. The point is to bring
up the intensity of the "idea"
that one thing has cause another,
in this case seeing the commercial
made you hungry. It's not the
words that make EFT effective,
it's the idea in your mind while
you are tapping, so think as intensely
as you can about what it is that
is wrong, or upsetting you, or
causing you pain, or making you
want to eat when you were fine
a minute ago.)
EFT Pattern to Stop Snack Attacks
Now, for the EFT pattern, simply
choose a reminder such as "commercials,"
and repeat that one word while
you do the tapping. This keeps
the "issue" front and
center in your mind.
Inside Eyebrow - commercials
Outside Eyebrow - commercials
Under Eye - stupid commercials
Under Nose - I hate commercials
Chin - I was perfectly fine a
minute ago
Collar Bone - Now I'm hungry because
of those stupid commercials
Under Arm - commercials
(This shows how you can also
"talk" to yourself as
you do the tapping. Keeping the
issue in mind is the point. The
words are insignificant except
in that they remind you of the
Step 4 - Check to See
if it Made Any Difference
Now, check again. What is your
level of intensity? How strongly
do you feel, right now, that you
want to get something to eat?
Is it the same? Is it stronger
now - you want a snack more than
ever? Is it lower? What is the
number now.
Okay, so I think, "Well,
let's see. Dang, I don't really
feel like having a snack at all
right this moment, but I'll bet
if I just wait, it'll come back."
So wait. Decide to go ahead and
just wait to "see what happens."
I love to use EFT to see what
happens. It's something to play
with. I'd give my current level
of desire a 2. The idea is still
there, I could eat, if I wanted,
but I just don't really feel like
it right now. I think I'll wait.
See how helpful that could be?
Try it yourself, and let me know
what happens. If you learn to
use EFT you may find that many
times when you would have gone
for a snack, now you can lessen
that immediate desire. You can
also run through two or more rounds
of EFT on the same issue, one
right after another. If you did
this the first time through, and
now you felt it was a five. I
could eat, I still sort of want
to, but I'm not sure, really.
Go ahead and do another round,
to see if that number reduces
even more. It might, and wouldn't
that be a nice surprise?
Think of the money you'd save
simply by cutting into the amount
of food you snack mindlessly when
you aren't really even hungry?